Now that I am living on 10 acres, my mind has been opened to all of the gardening possibilities. I grew up in a house where we grew different veggies in the spring, and I loved the convenience of going out to the garden for things like kale or chives. Not only does it save you money, but the crops are sure to be free of nasty chemicals too!
Since I have been researching how to lessen my waste, I realized that growing your own veggies is a great way to cut down on the plastic and packaging as well. I was really excited that this all tied in together and began thinking about veggies that I would want to grow. The list I came up with includes things I buy often that are also relatively easy to grow:
- Kale
- Chives
- Herbs (of all different varieties!)
- Strawberries
- Snap peas
I felt that this was a great starter list to begin researching how to make a garden. My goal is to get the soil ready and designate an area to begin this process. I am lucky that my mom has experience and will be able to help me along the way. In setting this goal, I believe that I will be able to save money, reduce my waste, make healthier choices, and spend some bonding time with my mom. I am really looking forward to starting this project!!
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