It is no question that life has gotten a lot different over this past month, and the past few weeks especially. Although I have been working really hard to keep up with my Zero-waste tendencies, it is very difficult when dealing with the circumstances we are currently under. unfortunately, foods that have lest waste are perishable, meaning that they would not last long enough when stocking up for a few weeks at a time.
I understand that the health and safety of people at this time bypasses the need to lessen your daily waste. Because of this, I have also realized that one of the points I made in my earlier blog still stands: just do your best. There isn’t much we can do right now but take things day by day and do our best to be kind and caring humans. Kind to others, kind to the planet, and kind to ourselves.
It felt easy to beat myself up about things I was buying that I wouldn’t normally, but I also can’t afford not to at this time. I remembered my blog post and decided that I have to be kind to myself first right now, and then do what I can to be kind to the planet. Here is a list of ways to make eco-friendly choices during the pandemic:
- Choose items with less waste
- Choose items that come in jars or containers you can reuse
- Freeze your food
- Make recipes from scratch if you can (then freeze, if needed)
- Always recycle when you can
- Be conscious of everything you buy, but be kind to yourself, too!
Many of the resources that I have posted about previously, such as Bulk Barn, are no longer safe to the public for the potential spread of COVID-19. Although no one could have predicted this type of end to the semester, or my Free Inquiry for that matter, I am trying to see the good in a not-so-good situation. Here is a list of positive things in this uncertain time:
- More time with loved ones
- More time to read!
- More time to learn how to slow down
- More time for fresh air
- More time for exercise
- More time for hope
Thanks for a wonderful semester Rich!
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